Water Resources and Equity

SA Tomorrow
Water Resources and Equity
The Public Discussion Draft of the Far East Community Area Plan is available for review.
To read the Public Discussion Draft Plan, click here (PDF 29Mb).
The Public Discussion Draft will be available for public comment until May 18, 2025.
Questions and comments can be submitted via the comment forms at the bottom of most pages on this website or by emailing the Project Manager, David Powell, at David.Powell@sanantonio.gov, or in person at the Community Open House.
The Community Open House will be held Tuesday, April 8, 2025 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at the Wheatley Heights Sports Complex, 200 Noblewood Dr, San Antonio, TX 78220.
El Borrador de Discusión Pública del Plan del Área Comunitaria Far East está disponible para su revisión.
Para leer el Borrador de Discusión Pública del Plan, haga clic aquí.
El Borrador de Discusión Pública estará disponible para comentarios públicos hasta el 18 de mayo del 2025.
Las preguntas y comentarios pueden ser enviados a través de los formularios de comentarios en la parte inferior de la mayoría de las páginas de este sitio web, enviando un correo electrónico al Gerente del Proyecto, David Powell a David.Powell@sanantonio.gov, o en persona en el Open House.
El Open House se llevará a cabo el martes 8 de abril del 2025 de 5:30 a 7:30 PM en el Complejo Deportivo Wheatley Heights, 200 Noblewood Dr, San Antonio, TX 78220.
Water Resources and Equity
Far East Community Area Plan Overview
The Far East Community Area Plan is a long-term plan for the future.
Thanks for taking the time to read about how we will make the plan and how you can be involved!
Tell us what you think.
Project Manager / Gerente de Proyecto
Far East Community Area Plan
David Powell
Meet the complete Far East Community Area Plan Planning TeamWater Resources and Equity
The SA Tomorrow Plan
San Antonio is planning boldly to ensure our great City captures the type of growth and economic development that will lead our community into the future and provide benefits to all our residents. Visit this website to learn more about the Comprehensive Plan and what we’re doing to make San Antonio a diverse and thriving community.